Alone Season 9 Winner Juan Pablo Quionez Was so Worn Down He Imagined a Polar Bear

Alone Season 9 winner Juan Pablo Quionez faced a way array of challenges over the course of spending 78 days in the lower reaches of the Big River, Labrador, Canada. However, some of them are a result of the toll that nature takes on an individual. Quionez reflected on his Alone experience, discussing the most

Alone Season 9 winner Juan Pablo Quiñonez faced a way array of challenges over the course of spending 78 days in the lower reaches of the Big River, Labrador, Canada. However, some of them are a result of the toll that nature takes on an individual. Quiñonez reflected on his Alone experience, discussing the most thrilling moment when he imagined that he saw a polar bear on the reality TV show.

Juan Pablo Quiñonez had a way to tackle ‘Alone’

In an interview with TV Insider, Quiñonez explained how he got through his worst days on Alone. The many dangers that come with such a challenge weigh heavily on its contestants. As a result, it’s important to have a strong mental fortitude to make it through. However, Quiñonez came into the experience with ways to tackle those moments.

“I’ve written a book about survival called Thrive: Long-Term Wilderness Survival Guide, and I have all of these mental strategies,” Quiñonez said. “It’s funny because over the years I’ve been collecting strategies to use in those situations, but I really did not use many of those strategies.”

Quiñonez continued: “The most simple one was to be thankful for three things every day, and often I would do some deep breathing exercises. That really helped. It’s so simple, but just a few deep breaths. Every time I was feeling anxiousness coming or just too much stress, I would do some deep breathing.”

‘Alone’ Season 9 winner Juan Pablo Quiñonez thought he saw a polar bear as a result of exhaustion

Quiñonez told TV Insider that his most thrilling moment on Alone likely wouldn’t make it into the finale. However, the exhaustion that he experienced took a toll on his body and mind. As a result, Quiñonez thought that he saw an animal that wasn’t there, but he was excited at the idea that he could have seen one in person.

“I don’t know if this is in the show or not; I have not seen the finale,” Quiñonez prefaced. “But spending so many days out there surviving, it takes a big toll on your body and mind. You’re stripped of your ego. I’m a very private individual. It’s funny because I’m on a reality show with millions of viewers, but I’m super, super introverted so that introverted-ness just fell off.”

Quiñonez continued: “I remember once because I was so worn down by being out there for so many days, I got confused because I thought I saw a polar bear nearby. That got me super excited, not afraid. Pretty much like a kid being excited about seeing a polar bear. I wanted to see one in the wild up close, but it ended up just being a piece of ice that got me so pumped, so hyped on adrenaline. That was a pretty exciting day for me [laughs].”

He would have left 1 of his 10 items at home

Each contestant has the ability to select 10 items of survival gear from a pre-selected list. However, there’s one item that Quiñonez would have left at home. If he did, there was an opportunity for him to bring another piece of gear that could have helped him in another regard.

“One thing I think I didn’t need was the ferro rod [a fire starter], just because I did not do many fires out there,” Quiñonez said. “That’s just because I was adapting to my particular spot and what my particular experience demanded from me.”

However, he didn’t specify what he would have brought in its place.

