Will Brett and Caseys Relationship End in Heartbreak?

Chicago Fires Sylvie Brett and Matt Casey took a big step during the season 9 finale. They were open about their feelings, and it looks like theyre going to pursue a relationship. Considering the back and forth that occurred over the last couple of seasons, were wondering if Brett and Casey really have staying power.

Chicago Fire’s Sylvie Brett and Matt Casey took a big step during the season 9 finale. They were open about their feelings, and it looks like they’re going to pursue a relationship. Considering the back and forth that occurred over the last couple of seasons, we’re wondering if Brett and Casey really have staying power. Will they stand the test of time, or will it be yet another false start? Showbiz Cheat Sheet weighs in.

Sylvie Brett has been cautious with Matt Casey

Brett (Kara Killmer) likes Casey (Jesse Spencer), but she seems to constantly have one foot in and one foot out of the relationship. She spent much of the last few seasons living in a state of indecision. The main reason Sylvie has been cautious is because she’s afraid Casey will go back to his ex-wife, Gabby Dawson (Monica Raymund).

During season 9 episode 2 (titled “That Kind of Heat”), Brett asks Casey if he would ever reunite with Dawson if she came back to Chicago and asked him to leave with her. He hesitated at first and then said, “I don’t know.” Brett assumed Casey was still in love with Dawson, so she pulled back.

Brett is afraid of getting hurt

Brett went back and forth between pulling back from Casey and then drawing closer to him. She also started dating firefighter Greg Grainger (Jon-Michael Ecker), but things fell apart after Greg realized Brett was in love with Casey. There have been a lot of mixed signals, which is why it took so long for Brett and Casey to finally get together. Brett’s actions show she has an intense fear of getting hurt.

Jaida Pervis, an Executive Luxury Matchmaker at Select Date Society, says it’s best to keep an eye on the big picture when entering a new relationship. The only way Brett and Casey will work is if Brett stops obsessing over the possibility Casey could get back together with Gabby.

“One of the most important things when it comes to dating is to keep things in perspective!” says Pervis. “What you do not want to do is lose sight of the big picture. Keep going and realize no matter what, none of this will matter once you are in your ideal relationship, with your ideal partner. 

Pervis warns against giving into fear. The issue could be more about fear and less about the perceived relationship issue. Brett could be unintentionally sabotaging her chances with Casey because she’s afraid of what could happen. However, what she fears may never even happen.

“Fear will not only keep you single, but it will ultimately continue to affect future progress,” adds Pervis. “The more time you spend standing in your own way, the less likely you will have to experience what could be an incredible partnership.”

Will Brett and Casey’s relationship end in heartbreak on ‘Chicago Fire’?

We think Brett’s insecurities surrounding Casey and Dawson will fill her with doubt once again. Brett and Casey declared their love for each other during the season 9 finale, but we still think things will continue to be complicated. It’s going to be tough for Brett to get over the fear that Casey will leave her for Dawson.

Is Casey over Dawson? We think so. He doesn’t seem to demonstrate the classic signs of someone who isn’t over their ex, according to Margaret Stone, dating coach for Elevated Man.

“When dating someone who is divorced, signs they are not over their ex could be: talking about their ex frequently, putting their ex’s needs over their current partner’s feelings and needs, sharing deeply emotional things with their ex, and comparing you to their ex,” says Stone.

How will Brett and Casey’s love story end? Is it meant to be? We wouldn’t be surprised if doubt creeps up once again, and Brett pulls away.

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